The 2nd Meeting of ICMSSE International Committee


The 2nd Meeting of the International Committee on Mine Safety Science and Engineering (ICMSSE) International Committee

The 2nd meeting of the International Committee on Mine Safety Science and Engineering (ICMSSE) was successfully held online November 24, 2021. The meeting was chaired by Prof. Hani Mitri (ICMSSE International Chair) and  Prof. Xueqiu He (ICMSSE Chair) .


A total of 18 committee members of ICMSSE participated online from 7 countries. Professors He and Mitri warmly welcomed all the participants and congratulated Professor Prusek and his team for a very successful 5th ISMSSE which was held in Katowice, Poland. November 21-24, 2021.


Prof. Stanislaw Prusek, General Chair of the 5th symposium and Director of Central Mining Institute in Poland thanked his team, the symposium sponsors from industry, most notable KGHM. He then presented the progress report on the 5th symposium of the ICMSSE held at Katowice, Poland, as follows.


Online – 105 registrations       

596 You Tube plus 7 teams logged in (after the IP number – without repetitions)

On-site – 110 delegates plus media

Number of presentations – 119


Prof. Prusek also thanked the keynote speakers for symposium:

Professor X. He – University of Science and Technology, Beijing, China

Professor H. Mitri – McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Professor R. Mitra - RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany

Professor H. S. Duzgun – Colorado School of Mines, Colorado, USA

Professor P. Konicek, Institute of Geonics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Professor T. Ren, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia

Professor R. J. Durrheim, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

The committee voted that the 6th symposium be held in Beijing in November 2023. It will be hosted by China University of Mining and Technology Xuzhou. The symposium will be chaired by Prof. Enyuan Wang, Dean of the Faculty of Safety Engineering and Director of Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education, CUMT. To reduce travelling time for the delegates, the symposium will be held in Beijing, China. Professor Wang invited everyone to visit CUMT after the symposium.


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